Blyth Valley Veterans League Rules (2016)

1. The name of the league has been retained despite the demise of the former Borough of Blyth        Valley. Clubs outside of the previous borough are now able to apply for membership of the league.

2. The league is to be comprised of a maximum of 10 teams (EBA rules will apply).

3. Competitions available are:

  • The Blyth Valley Veterans League (4 rinks of 3 players)
  • Pairs KO (15 ends of 3 woods per player Final 18 ends)
  • Tom Entwistle Trophy (1 player per team plus winner & Runner Up of previous year). The number of players in this competition can be adjusted at the discretion of the officers.

4. Players, both male and female, should have attained the age of 55 years by 1st April of that coming season.

5. Teams can play with a minimum of 10 players. Rinks with only 2 players will play with 3     bowls per player but will be deducted 1/3 of their score at the end of the game.

6. Scoring will be 2 points per rink plus 2 match points for the highest aggregate score.

7. The committee will comprise of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer plus one member per team. (Should there be a shortage of officers then the posts of chairman and treasurer can be combined).

8. Results should be forwarded to the league secretary immediately after a match. This is the responsibility of the home club.

9. Trophies;

  • League Winners
  • Pairs Winners and Runners Up
  • Tom Entwistle Trophy

will be presented following the end of season game between the league winners and a representative team from the rest of the league. (This game will be hosted by the league winners).

10. The AGM will be held at least 1 month prior to the beginning of the season. The Officers will be appointed at this meeting.
League fixtures, result sheets and pairs entry sheets for the season will be distributed at or prior to the AGM.

11. Cost of entries into the league and pairs will be decided at the AGM. The prizes for the pairs will be decided by the officers as this can be dependant upon the number of entries.

12. Fitness of the green for play is the responsibility of the home team. Cancellation of a fixture under this heading should be notified to the visiting club, if possible, before travel.

13. Arrangements for limiting the number of ends to be played should be made by the team captains prior to commencement of the game and should not be changed during the game.

14. Should a game be abandoned during play the result will stand if a minimum of 44 ends    (aggregate) have been completed.
Should a game need to be replayed following abandonment then teams (so far as is possible) should be comprised of the same players and positions as in the original game.
Replay dates for postponed or abandoned matches should be made within one week of the event and the game should be played before the final game of the season.

15. Pairs Matches – It is the responsibility of the CHALLENGERS (i.e. the first named pair) to contact opponents for arrangements of dates. Where contact has not been made within 7 days of the completion date for the previous round then the opponents can make the contact but become entitled to claim the home advantage.

16. Should both pairs be in default, then the officers can remove both pairs from the competition. Where there exists a clear and obvious fault from one pair, the match may be awarded to the opponents. Such a decision will be at the discretion of the officers.